Ready, Eager, Able, & Determined to R.E.A.D!

Kindergarten Reading Made Fun!

This 36-week curriculum provides you with everything you need to teach your child to read.  Structured over a 4-day week this program covers phonics, digraphs, blends, sight words, grammar, and writing. Best of all, you'll have interactive, hands-on activities to keep your child engaged while learning with little to no prep work required. 

✏️ 4 Days a Week over 36 Weeks
✏️ One Word Family per week
✏️ 2-3 Sight Words per week
✏️ Beginning Blends
✏️ Interactive Grammar Notebook
✏️ Weekly Writing Prompts
✏️ Science Sequencing & Drawing
✏️ Daily Warm-Up Activities

R.E.A.D. Curriculum First Week Free!!

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